Divine Radiance Awakening Within™ Series


Drawing Up the Earth and Drawing Down the Sky

Creative Healing and Transformation Workshops

Empower Your Life and Your Goals

A MindBodySpirit Transformational Workshop

Do you feel stuck or bogged down by old, disempowering beliefs about yourself that stop you from moving forward on your goals, dreams, or desires? Do you have a negative voice inside your head that stops you dead in your tracks when you want to move forward in life? Or do you feel completely disconnected from your body or emotions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you. Empower Your Life combines multiple MindBody Medicine techniques such as Qigong, guided imagery, drawing/journaling, and creative movement, along with belief and thought reprogramming techniques to help you break out of the cycle of self-sabotage and negative self-talk that stops you dead in your tracks when you want to move forward on a goal. These are evidenced based techniques to help lessen stress and overwhelm as well as reprogram limiting beliefs that hold you back from living the life you want to live. 

 Come if you want to learn how to set a powerful and clear intention or goal you want to accomplish, connect and energize yourself and your actions with the energies of Heaven and Earth, and begin to clear out the negative self-talk that gets in the way of achieving that goal. This workshop will help you envision the life you want to live and begin taking the steps necessary to achieve it. It IS possible. 

Taproot into Your Creative Wisdom

 Are you a caregiver that forgets to take care of yourself? Or do you find that you are over-worked, stressed out, drained to the bone, and rarely find or make time to give to yourself or your creative life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you. Give yourself the opportunity to nourish your own body and soul by learning how to access the life sustaining energies of Nature, Spirit, and your own inherent creativity (yes, you are creative whether you believe it or not). Learn how to taproot down into your own personal healing reservoir of images and inner wisdom using Qi Gong guided imagery, art-making, and journaling. Re-ignite your creative life, health, and well-being by connecting deeply to your own Healing Artist Within. Recharge your batteries and rejuvenate your life. No previous art experience necessary-just a sense of child-like wonder. Come share safe and sacred space. No critiquing, interpretation, or analysis will take place here.

This workshop weaves together many of the different creative healing methods I used to help heal my own soul from trauma with the intention that it helps others in a similar way. Qi Gong, guided imagery, art making, and journaling all weave together to create a deepening, a taproot, down into your own creative healing reservoir of images. It is designed to encourage empathy with the subtle energies of the Universe that connect us to each other, Nature, and Spirit.

If you would like to learn more or schedule a workshop for up to 15 participants, I would love to connect with you. Please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.